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Gebruiksaanwijzing bij HAPPYDOS.Het programma is afkomstig uit Happy Computer maart 1986.Het is een alternatief voor DO}S 2.5 .Met de volgende voordelen Ipv.DOS.SYS en DUP.SYS (Die steeds van de diskette moet worden gelezen slecht een dos}.sys die in het geheugen blijft Een ramdisk (device M:) Gebruikersvriendelijke commando's als dir en rename ed } De mogelijkheid om een diskette een naam te geven Bij terugkeer uit DOS blijft je BASIC programma behouden. E}en (beperkt) MONITOR programma. Uitbreiding van de XIO Korte opsomming van de commando'sdos ga naar DOS (niet }meer van DISK je krijgt dan D1: als prompt./n (n=1,2,3,4) verandert diskette station.dir geeft directory van diskette} station nren rename a,b verandert a in b (wildcards toegestaan)del,loc,unl spreken voor zich (wildcards toegestaan})loa laadt een machine code programma in geheugen ,zonder load wordt het programma direct gerund. vb. load speedscr}.com laadt speedscript. speedscr runt direct speedscript na het laden.run run hhhh runt vanaf hhhh(hexadec.) } run runt het laats ingeladen programma.sav sav,naam,adres1,adres2 saved het geheugen tussen de twee adressen.(hex.})cop gelijk aan DOS2.5 copieer opdrachten.car is B terug naar cartridge. car commando voert het commando direc}t uit bv.car run"d;grubs.basNB de ; is geen typefout maar mag.FO#,FD# formatteerd een nieuwe diskette FO# 707 vri}jesectoren.(sd) FD# 1026 ,, (dd) FD# /naam geeft de naam aan de diskette.CL# (/naam) maakt director}y schoon en voorziet hem eventueel van een naam.in# schrijft DOS.SYS op de diskette.Dup.sys is niet meer nodig.Nu nog }een paar leuke dingen. >hhhh laat geheugen adres en de volgend 7 zien daarna kan je verder door het geheugen , door > in te} typen.veranderen kan ook .>hhhh,byte,byte,,,(max.8) verandert de geheugen adressen van inhoud.>R laat de inhoud van de reg}isters zien.Nog een paar dingen . /v zorgt voor verify tijdens saven. /a voor append. - vult de rest aan met wildcards }/n (n=1 .. 9) kiest de n-de file. voorbeelden load "d;pro- is gelijk load"d:pro*.*load"d;*.bas/2 laadt het tweede basic} programmaload"d;-/3 laadt het derde programma.list "d:tineke.bas/vauitbreiding van de xio routines.--position s,n:xio 3}1,#1,lo,hi,"D;x" hiermee kan je direct op een diskette sector komen. s=eerste sector no. n=aantal sectoren lo,hi =low en h}igh byte van buffer adres x=operatie R=read,W=write,S=statusOm bv. de sectoren 361 tem.364 van disk 2 in het beeldscherm ge}heugen te laden moet je het volgende commando geven: position 361,4,XIO31,#1,asc(chr$(4000)),int(4000/256),"d2ER"--Xio34,#}1,0,0"d;/diskname" is gelijk aan het dos commande cl# /diskname--XIO255,#1,0,0"d;/diskname" idem fd# /diskname--XIO39,#1,f,}0,"d:filename" Er wordt een COM file gelezn en met f<>0 wordt geprobeert het programma te runnen--position a,255:point #1,l,}x , dit is gelijk aan de DOS commando's SAVE en LOAD x=4 ,LOAD; x=8 ,SAVE a=start adres; l=aantal bytes.Er is verder nog e}en ramdisk aanwezig (Er kan jammer genoeg maar een file in -max 12k bytes-) deze heet M: dus save"m: saved het aanwezige basi}c programma in de RAM-disk.Er kan een autorun file worden gemaakt op de volgende manier: JOB car run"d;file.bas" } Na het opbooten van de disk wordt het basic programma file.bas gerund.Je kunt dit tegengaan door tijdens het opbooten de ES}C-toets in te drukken Je kunt de JOB wissen door JOB/ in te typenVerder moet nog worden vermeld dat je behalve car ook car}tridge etc.in mag typen alleen de eerste 3 letters tellen en meer mag. De reset toets is gelijk aan car. option+reset (reset }eerder loslaten dan option) is gelijk aan dos.Een uitgebreidere beschrijving kun je vinden in het vermelde blad.Je kunt aan} de dos komen door de file HAPPYDOS.LST onder basic met ENTER te laden en daarna te runnen. Na zo'n 3 minuten werkt het.Met D}os kun je DOS.SYS op je diskette wegschrijven mbv. het commando in# Veel succes ,Tineke Buitenwerfr Happy-DOS II+/D V4.5M DOS 2.0S compatible in a single file (37 disk blocks), with a built-in RAM disk. Written by St }efan Dorndorf. Published in issue 3/1986 of German magazine Happy Computer as "Listing of the Month". (Notes: Happy Compu }ter was discontinued by the end of the Eighties. Turbo Basic XL also was Listing of the Month.) Copyright (C) 1986 by Ma }rkt & Technik Verlag AG. The documentation should be accompanied by the file HAPPYDOS.ATR with the files DOS.SYS and HAPP }YDOS.BAS (original BASIC loader from the magazine) on it. Info from the article accompanying the listing: The author b }ought OS/A+-DOS and disassembled and documented it. He found out that some parts were programmed quite circumstantial. When } he knew OS/A+-DOS in and out he also removed some bugs in it, but after a while it became tedious to patch the DOS. In 1983 } he began writing his own DOS. In June 1984 the basic functionality was there, but it took another year to tune the details }. The "/D" stands for the double density support. NOTE: Happy-DOS is not related to the Happy drive enhancer and does no }t contain any functions supporting it. DOS COMMAND SUMMARY /n Select drive "n" NOTE: You probably need to P }OKE 1802 with the number of drives (see below). DIR [filespec] Display directory Ex. DIR or DIR *.BAS }REN oldname,newname Rename file(s) Ex. REN TEST.BAS,PROGRAM.BAS or REN *.BAS,*.BAK DEL filename Dele }te file Ex. DEL TEST.BAS LOC filename Lock file Ex. LOC TEST.BAS UNL filename Unlock file Ex. UNL }TEST.BAS LOA filename Load program into memory Ex. LOA HELP.COM SAV filename,sadr,eadr Save memory to file } Ex. SAV SCREEN.DAT,9C00,9FFF RUN adr Run program in memory Ex. RUN E474 If LOA has been used before, just } entering RUN starts the program at that address. COP [device]filename[,device[filename]] Copy file(s) Ex. CO }P HELP.COM or COP HELP.COM,S Copy to screen COP HELP.COM,D2 COP PRG,D2:PRG2/A Copy with app }end CAR [basiccmd] Run cartridge Ex. CAR RUN"M - run BASIC program from RAM disk FO# [/diskname] Format dri }ve with single density FD# [/diskname] Format drive with double density CL# [/diskname] Clear disk directory } Ex. CL/GAMES Use of "@" as the diskname will NOT create a directory and a completely empty disk. IN# Writes }DOS.SYS to the disk Also works from DOS with OPEN #1,8,0,"D:DOS.SYS":CLOSE #1 JOB command Writes a Happy-DO }S command to disk that is automatically executed on boot. Ex. JOB AUTORUN.SYS - will run AUTORUN.SYS } JOB CAR RUN "D;STARTUP.BAS - will run STARTUP.BAS in BASIC JOB/ - removes previously }set job >hadr Display memory dump Ex. >0600 Just entering ">" displays the next 8 bytes. >hadr hbyte hbyte h }byte... Edit memory Ex. >0600 FF 00 FF 00 Use ">" to display and cursor keys to edit the line. >R Displa }y 6502 registers Instead of ":" one can also use ";". Ex. LOAD"D;PROGRAM Add /V for verify /A for append / }n for n-th matching file "-" can be used as "*.*" or "*.*/" Examples: LOAD "D;PRO-" -> LOAD "D:PRO*.*" LIST "D }2;PROG/VA" LOAD "D;*BAS/2" -> Loads 2nd BASIC program on disk LOAD "D;-3" -> Loads 3rd program from disk X }IO COMMANDS Load sectors from disk POSITION s,n:XIO 31,#1,lo,hi,"D;x" * s is number of first sector * n is the }number of sectors to be read * lo,hi are address of buffer * x is the operation (R=read, W=write, S=status) Exam }ple POSITION 361,4:XIO 31,#1,ASCI(CHR{40000)),INT(40000/256),"D2;R" Clear disk directory XIO 34,#1,0,0,"D;/disknam }e" Format disk with double density XIO 255,#1,0,0,"D;/diskname" Load binary program and run XIO 39,#1,f,0,"D;file }name" Program will be run if f<>0 Save memory to disk POSITION a,255:POINT #1,l,x "255" is used to differenti }ate from normal POSITION command. * a is address of the buffer * l is the length * x is the operation (4=load, 8= }write) The cursor position will be set to 0,0 automatically. In the case of error 136 (end of file) this retrieves }number of read bytes: POSITION 0,0:NOTE #1,1,x Append Note: Happy-DOS uses a different format than DOS 2.0 }when using append and does not need to read in the complete file when closing. Due to this, Happy-DOS cannot append dat }a to a DOS 2.0 file. If you need to, use COP to copy the DOS 2.0 file to a Happy-DOS diskette. AUTORUN.SYS Note: Hap }py-DOS loads AUTORUN.SYS files, but DOSINI may not be changed. If the program is to be restarted after a Reset, set Bit #2 } in BOOT? and the vector to the program in CASINI. Autostart can be bypassed by pressing ESC right after power on. U }se Shift-Break to immediately interrupt a disk operation. Settings for Happy-DOS: Addr. Name Default Description } 1801 SECCOD 2 Number of sector buffers 1802 DRVCOD 1 Number of drive buffers 1803 TIMCOD } 2 Timeout (in seconds) 1804 BUFCOD Addr. of buffers 1806 DOSCOD 0 Flag for DOS.SYS } 1807 STSCOD 4 DOS.SYS start sector 1809 TRYCOD 3 Number of retries 1810 ADRCOD $880 } DOS.SYS start address 1812 VBLCOD 1 Flag for fast key repeat Adr. 1812 is useful for owners of Atari 400 a }nd 800. Adr. 1802 MUST be set to the number of drives. RAM DISK The RAM disk is drive M: and can hold one unnamed }file. Memory table $2000 - $4F00 Basic program $5000 - $7F00 RAM disk $8000 - $A000 Graphics memory in G }R.8 If the BASIC program reaches into the RAM disk memory, it will result in error 147. Different error messages fro }m DOS 2.0: ERROR 163 (Write protected) Cannot write on protected disk. ERROR 166 (Invalid POINT) Value in POINT i }s wrong or file is open for write. ERROR 171 (Bad Load File) A file addressed with XIO 39 is not in COM format. ERROR } 172 (Not a Happy-DOS file) Error when appending data to a program file in DOS 2.0 format. Error when using JOB on a }non-Happy-DOS disk. HAPPY-DOS Quick Reference-------------------------Program-source taken fromHappy Computer, March 1986.DOS ; Goto Dos/}n ; (n=1,2,3,4) change drive#DIR ; Show DirectoryREN ; Rename (file.old,file.new)DEL ; Delete fileLOC ; Lock fileUNL ; }UnLock fileLOA ; Load binary file (not run)RUN ; (adr) Run at address (in hex)RUN ; Runs last loaded programSAV ; (filena}me,adr1,adr2) Saves a block of data from adr1 to adr2 (in hex)COP ; Copy (from,to)CAR ; Run cartridge (or basic})CAR ; (D:filename.bas) Jump to basic and load and run filename.basFO# ; Format disk in SD (707 sec)FD# ; Format dis}k in ED (1026 sec) Use FD# /name to name diskCL# ; Clear disk/VTOCIN# ; Writes Dos to disk>hhhh ; Show mem-location} contents use > to show more>hhhh,byte,byte ; Change mem-locations>R ; Shows contents of registers /V ; Save} with verify /A ; Append file - ; Fill remaining with wildcards /N ; (1,9) FilenumberXIO-routines:-------------}--POSITION s,n:XIO 31,#1,lo,hi,"D;x" s=first sector no. n=number of sectors lo,hi=low and highbyte of buffer } x=command R=read,W=write,S=status--XIO34,#1,0,0"D;/diskname" equals CL# /diskname--XIO255,#1,0,0"D;/diskname" equals} FD# /diskname--XIO39,#1,f,0,"D:filename" Read COM- file. f<>0 means, try to run code--POSITION a,255:POINT #1,l,x eq}uals if x=4 then LOAD if x=8 then SAVE a=start-adr l=number of bytesRamdisk under OS-RAM availa}ble (12Kb),accesable with M: device. There willfit only one file in Ramdisk.MAKE AUTORUN-File-----------------JOB CAR }RUN"D:file.bas"Press ESCAPE to disable while bootingWipe with JOB/RESET ; Goto cartridge/basicRESET&OPTION ; Goto Dos}-----Sysop Fox-1,Thunderdome, ATARI 8-Bit BBS, Node#471+31 416-279990 the Netherlands[B%DOS SYSBn)HAPPYDOSBASB!DUTCH DOCB4HAPPYDOSDOCBHAPPYREFDOC(