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Z+` 1n:n:L; 1 M9L};*** Boo }t Read Error ***;e Z+`%ѭэ%ѭ&&% f8 3n:n:L; 1 M9L;*** Boot Write Error ***; Z+`L;; } Z+ '`o:***;e Z+`%ѭэ%ѭ&&% f8 3n:n:L; 1 M9L;*** Boot Write Error ***; Z+`L;; Z+ '`o:***;e Z+`%ѭэ%ѭ&&% f8 3n:n:L; 1 M9L;*** Boot Write Error ***; Z+`L;; X;SAVE #D2:ROMTBL.M65X;(X; 20MB Version 10+102X;<X;FX; SUPRA COPRORATIONPX; 1133 Commercial WayZX; }Albany, OR 97321dX; (503) 967-9075nX;xX;!X; Change the following tables#X; in the ROM and burn new ROMS"X; t}o add a new drive type, or X; to change the size of any#X; logical drive. The physical$X; location of the logical d}riveX; can also be changed.X;X;X;X; Hard Disk data tablesX; Each of 8 tables:X;#X; .DBYTE xxxx # }of cylindersX; .BYTE xx # of heads#X; .DBYTE xxxx RWCC cylinders"!X; .DBYTE xxxx WPC cylinder,$X; .BYTE x}x Step pulse rate6X;@ ROMWCBJX;TX;(0) 4 head, 153 cyl 5MB^ h r |  X;X;(1) 2 head, 306} cyl 5MB 2    X;X;(2) 4 head, 306 cyl 10MB 2    X;&X;(3) 6 head,} 230 cyl 11MB0 : D N X bX;lX;(4) 6 head, 306 cyl 15MBv 2    X;X;(5) 4 h}ead, 306 cyl 20MB 2    X;X;(6) 4 head, 612 cyl 20MB d   ,  * 4X;>X;(}7) 5 head, 980 cyl 60MBH R \ f p zX;X;X;X; Logical Drive informationX; Structure for each} is:X;#X; .BITS xxxxxxxx SCSI device #$X; (Only ONE bit on at a time)X; (0 = Disabled)"X; .BITS xxx00000 }SCSI lun devX; (Range 0-7)$X; .3BYTE xxxxxx Start sector #$X; .WORD xxxx Size (sectors)X; .BYTE xx } SpareX; X; NOTE: X; If D1: is enabled in this$ X; table, do NOT change any.X; information about it8X;BX; }COMPUTING PARTITIONS:L!X; To compute partition info:VX; Start sector is 2+ size`"X; of previous partition plusj#X; } start of previous partitiontX; on that hard drive.~X; FOR EXAMPLE:X; D1-> start = 0X; size = 1041}X; D3-> start = 1043X; size = 36800X; D4-> start = 37845X; size = 36800X; end -> 7464}5 X; NOTE:"X; End must be less than totalX; number of sectors!X;X; LOGDEV  ;;D1:  ;;High ord}er( ;;..and the rest2 < ;;SpareFX;P ;;D2:Z d ;;High ordern ;;..and the restx  ;;Spare}X; ;;D3:  ;;High order ;;..and the rest  ;;SpareX; ;;D4:  ;;High order } Փ;;..and the rest  ;;SpareX;" ;;D5:, 6 ;;High order@ ;;..and the restJ T ;;Spare^!}X;h ;;D6:r | ;;High order ;;..and the rest  ;;SpareX; ;;D7:  ;;High order ;"};..and the rest  ;;SpareX; ;;D8:  ;;High order ;;..and the rest & ;;Spare0X;:X;#}DX;N!X; Percom configuration tablesXX; (DO NOT CHANGE)b PERTBLlX;v PER810 (========@ ==$}====X; PERDBL (========@ ======X;X; PER1050 (=====%}===@ ======X; PERBIG ========@  ======X; X;*X;4 X; HE&}LPDRV is the floppy disk>"X; to boot off when the H#X; key is held down on power upRX;\ HELPDRVf ;;D2:pX;'}zX;X;he floppy disk>"X; to boot off when the H#X; key is held down on power upRX;\ HELPDRVf ;;D2:pX; B#DOS SYSB/'DUP SYSB:VSASIFMT COMB+RODMFMT COMB#PARK COMB.UTIL COMB ROMTBL M65