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Set Verify Flag r @.}n)r #0 +x? >Select Item ( for menu):@  >ɛL*1L-*L-:W@ u-v-L>N/}o such item!L,-=V0.w/..2,2P325=:6//;b-b-;b-):)):)*))D)))'(Files to list, Des0}tination?) A C) 3) C)۩xک&ܩݢ'0'0 Ade ) @L, CNeed new file name! CNo driv1}e or directories allowed in new name!Lock Unlock Delete Lock which file?.#Unlock which file?.$))H A 2}BnQ/wDelete what file?.!))H A BnNJ >Answer 'Y' or 'N'h zC f@;)) z>) z> >? >Y @L,/H 3}A BhR @R)L,L0LT.L<.File to rename, new name? A B)', ȱ:>0{ ПFull directory name?4}Z"LU/Directory to be used as 'D:'? A B)")L]/$: &sTU)L]/L, CInvalid directory!L@) E)5}0L+.File source, destination? A() AD۩ڭ8ܭD C'0 Aߍeލd)DВ) 3? 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L}>4/ < #Drive size (in sectors)? @ 8AH)h &PYWy`)`)  L[CSAVE:filename,start,end(,init(,run)) ATUnH :ADp .= :A؆8օڊ N}CInvalid START-END range!۩ :A  :A hnԄՠAnȌZ C04n* G O}0$ڍXۍY֍T׍U,0LL (L@ֆ׌`Load MEM.SAV from what file? 0#L,L@Load from what file?)P} ATU'̩Z C G'0'-'а'nINIZ'RV0II CNO CARTRIDGE!Q}Ԇխp q )LRun from what address? @ɛ :A CAddress must be 1-4 hex digits! BHILVR} j>`hh >HH` >0{a Hɛ j> j>h` j>L, > E> GpHH >hh`K: Gp `)S}))( i ɀΪ)(L@(`)BDx)0>HH蹞((x?Ix?Uw?Iw?ɛ)ɛ )w?)`w?DHwT})`)HI`)6 z> >) C) ?@nA )J C0x))HHIIDDEE B @)CɈK)U}B z> >) CL@)Bw?))ڤ 5ܝHݝI VLy?L@)" +C E!C E) E C)L+' 3V}R XY) @':0H'rΣ))' ) .) ' ) .ݮ)ʩ)`ލD'ߍEBW}IʎH) V0`ԩ ؠ+Aȱ,Aȱ)-A CError -- 128'`$8f MBԄձG/ $<68i/)Ԧ`X}H&եԦ&&eԅheԅԊe(iLDA&&&&ԅLDAC @ MB?*)ɛ:./2SrXY})0nȱ/.ɛ)ލ'ި0#:Ȱ :ފ :ȱ: : ]BD ]Bޥ`)eޅީe߅`Z})` ALvB ATUȪ: CFile name not allowed!: )  ) >0+L TUD CNot a di[}sk file!)0` >Insert SOURCE disk, press >,)pӮ)A)O  KC [CKC ` \}% 1)L/ b)de CJKO -L@O` C))*)))`ȱޙ)):]}>Ȍ)`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh >L,e CJKO -L@O` C))*)))`ȱޙ)):(--0u6 BLV8hhՠԐJ ȱԝHȱԝIȱԝBȱԝDȱԝEeԨeHH Vhh`-AISxԌҭH_}ӭ@.@/ʎӎ@ӭ@@/뎿-/ӹ.@hөԥX-LA4X4L4O4N4`}I@@ȍό@Iψ@@ @-5`ԩ թa֩6נԥ-Ԡ8ԥձԍ55a}ԍ55Hՠ-ԍ5`ԥԩt5urxy0 V80i50b50 k5 5 .k5b} 50 k5 k5k55R5򩛝R5`T5Ud5e` 0 F5JB V0s JKB V0]d5ec}5ByD6E5H5I V@ 8H9I4D5E B V0SɈЯ B V B V` 25d5d!b d} V` өύ@=Lw 5 _ ?6 a0 L5L'4  055/54 5x6ڠke}ةE ؍ 0H 4 05L_4v60 B V 28y5656C:T5U.d5eLf}3#T5Ud5e +2v6ɠ+`t5u{zr0 V0 1 +2L4٩֩׭6C֩Dץ 0g} 5 5L5ȩ:ȱM@DͩUȩP6Cвȩ.ЫȩSФم٠8$PpE Ȣ@MLF4} Seth}ting Up 130XE Ram Disk }D8:D8:DUP.SYSD1:DUP.SYSD8:DUPC.SYSD1:DUPC.SYS DUi}P.SYS D1:RAMDISK:** өԩ@թf֩6נj}ԅ֩թ@ױԑ8$` ?6׬ ע5 )ӭ8nLw6w6x6 ҍv6k}v6.w6v6.x6v6v6` * X  5`38nLw6w6x6 ҍv6P ------------------------- The patched MyDOS 4.55: -------------------------MyDOS 4.50 and above (4.5x) does notd m}o BASIC with a ramdisk. It also doesnot do ramdisks larger than 256k(320k machines). It also does not dounique ramdisks li n}ke Mathy's XEGS 1meg ramdisk. Unless you patch it thatis. Then it will do all the above,including Newell 1 meg ramdisks... o}You can use a sector editor to edityour MyDOS DOS.SYS file, you justhave to find this string of bytes:AD 01 D3 09 1C 85 p} 31 09 1C 39 BA 0B _____ ________ Keep in mind that the above underlinevalues may be different than yours q}-no matter (!), change them anyway (!)to these bytes:AD 01 D3 EA EA 85 31 EA EA B9 BA 0BThen the most important part - r}writeout DOS files using the 'H' menuoption. For safety's sake, don'twrite these to your only boot disk,but to a temporar s}y disk for testing.If it works with no bugs, then youcan boot the test disk and write DOSfiles to all your MyDOS disks.Re t}member that Basic normally doesn'tdo drives above drive number 4 butnow you are off and running with aMyDOS 4.55 ramdisk i u}n BASIC... --------------- MYRAMD2 Info: ---------------- new RD driver for MyDOS, now with fewer b v}ugs or even bug-free;- programming + debugging author: LEE BARNES; testing: several people of the Atari newsgroups inclu w}ding John and Mathy (many thanks!);- for questions or bug reports, call me: ;- MYRAMD2 is Public Doma x}in and not to be sold commercially;USING IT: Rename MYRAMD2.* toAutorun.Sys under MyDOS 4.50 and 4.51or to *.AR0 when r y}unning under 4.53and newer versions (4.54, 4.55, etc.)At bootup press "1" if you wish tobypass MYRD (no formatting of the z}Ramdisk, no copying) or press "2" ifyou wish to copy only DUP.SYS to RD(no MEM.SAV but all subdir :Ramdiskfiles). When fin {}ished with bootup orcopying (any files found in the MyDOSsubdir :RAMDISK) hold down "SHIFT" ifyou wish to create an empty |}/ virginMem.Sav file;ing (any files found in the MyDOSsubdir :RAMDISK) hold down "SHIFT" ifyou wish to create an empty KB$DOS SYSB6(DUP SYSb^MYRAMD2 SYSblMYRAMD2 TXT